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How the Power of Symbols can Make a Critical Impact to your Career Success

Updated: May 11, 2022

Author: Alina Aronova, Founder of Almax Executive Advisory and “Go to Executive Coach for High Achievers

I saw this poster on Amazon for the first time when I was starting out in my corporate career decades ago. Those who know me personally and professionally can attest that I am the opposite of "a touchy-feely" person in both my personal and professional lives. I am also a person who never needs encouragement and self-help books. I pride myself on being able to figure things out for myself, motivate myself, stay focused, driven, and determined. So why did this little poster become a part of my story?

Honestly, when I saw it first I did not see an inspirational quote. All I saw was myself in this picture. At that time I was that tiny pine tree among the giant forest of corporate America (or maybe we should call it a wild jungle...). My call to action for myself was to survive and succeed in a very intimidating professional world. This picture became my symbol of what I will do with my career and how I can learn to be "courageous" in my professional life. I intentionally use the word "courageous" because I am not without fears, quite opposite. I have a lot of fears but I choose to move forward despite them.

Later on, I evolved the meaning of this poster for myself. I wanted to buy it, I loved it so much, but I did not actually have enough space in my cubicle to hang it. So that is what became my mission. I wanted to earn the privilege of a larger office space that will allow me to hang my poster. I am totally aware that this sounds like "a red stapler" obsession in the "Office Space". Believe me, the humor is not lost on me. Also, I know that this is not a popular thought anymore, the philosophy of working space changed over the years in corporate America, especially during Covid times. This was, however, something that created a unique meaning for me as a different motivating factor.

You might ask if I ever bought this poster and got enough office space to hang it. I did and I did. It is, however, safely stored in my garage. I did not end up hanging it in my office. After all, I am not a person who needs "motivation". But as it turns out, I did need it but I had to apply it in a different way, the way that worked for me.

My advice is "you do you"! Create a motivation that works for you and own it! No excuses no apologies!

Please share your own symbols or motivations that helped you in your career. If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more visit our website.

Alina Aronova, Founder of Almax Executive Advisory and “ The Go-to Executive Coach for High Achievers

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