Author: Alina Aronova, Founder of Almax Executive Advisory and “Go to Executive Coach for High Achievers”
For some, December is a holiday month! A month of joy, celebration, and family time.....
For Executives, December is a month of added pressure to push hard through remaining ambitious goals, to keep teams focused and motivated, and to report 12 months of results to the BOARD...
Here are Ten Tips to Survive the Demands of the Q4 Board Meeting.
Tip #1
Ground your storyline in critical successes aligned with the corporate strategy.
Tip #2
Align your story with your executive peers.
Tip #3
Call out the successes of your peers in your storylines.
Tip #4
Pay attention to the attendee dynamics and attention span.
Tip #5
Prepare early views into next year's plans and objectives.
Tip #6
Pre-socialize key points with critical board members in advance of the meeting.
Tip #7
Show up confidently.
Tip #8
Do not underestimate the power of preparation. Practice your delivery.
Tip #9
Determine your authentic speech starter. (The very first word you will use to start your presentation.)
Tip #10
Determine your authentic mechanism to calm your nerves when needed (taking a drink of water, making a 3-second pause, looking at your notes. etc.).
If you found these tips helpful or need more personalized help and would like to learn more visit our website.
Alina Aronova, Founder of Almax Executive Advisory and “ The Go-to Executive Coach for High Achievers”